Implantree International Dental Hospital

What is Screw-Retained Restorations ?

July 29, 2019by admin0
Screw Retained Restorations

The Screw Retained Restorations can be easily removed which allows for repair or examination of soft tissue and direct visualization of the dental implants. This also negates the need to remake the restoration if an abutment screw or prosthetic screw loosens.

A more recent argument in favour of screw retained restoration is to eliminate the potential complications associated with excess residual cement – often difficult to completely remove with a cement retained crown. One perceived disadvantage to the screw retained option has been the concern over the visibility of the screw access channel. However, with recently improved esthetic materials, the ability to cover the access hole has become a non-issue.

On the other hand, choosing cement retained as an restorative option provides the assurance of maximum esthetic. The concern with cement retention is two fold. The first being the restoration is cemented to an abutment that is screw retained. If the abutment screw becomes loose then the final restoration cannot be removed without destroying the crown. This results in a remake and increased restorative costs.

The second concern with cement retained is that the cementable juntion between the crown and abutment potentially acts as a medium for colonization of bacteria. This is due to the excess cement that may not be fully removed and it can jeopardize the osseointegration of the implant. This will ultimately result in implant failure.

When deciding between Screw Retained Restorations and cement retained implants, there are benefits and different techniques to using each method, often related to location and position of the implant. The choice of method is usually based on the clinician’s preference and the position of the implant.

For more information about screw retained and cement retained implant crowns, contact ImplanTree International Dental Hospitals . Our technical support team is here to help and comprised of individuals who have a vast reserve of dental laboratory and clinical experience.

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