Implantree International Dental Hospital

Reason Why We Provide Best Dental Implants in Chennai .

April 10, 2020by admin0
 Best Dental Implant Clinic in Chennai

Best Dental Implant Clinic in Chennai If the words ‘dental implants’ terrify you, then let us tell you, there is nothing to fear, because dental implants are the advanced, safest, and permanent solutions for a lost tooth(s). While there are different types of dental implants available, and while a number of dental implant hospitals in Chennai offer implants, not everyone is skilled to deliver advanced dental implants, such as zygomatic implants. 

Why Implantree is the Best Dental Implant Clinic in Chennai

Only 2% of global dental care providers offer zygomatic implants and Implantree International Dental Care is one of them. Besides zygomatic implants, we also provide pterygoid, basic & basal, and TILT implants

Zygomatic implants are the most advanced implant treatments for patients with highly atrophied maxilla (severe bone and tissue loss in the upper jaw). As you grow old, your bones and tissues start to waste away, reduce in size, and lose strength, which results in teeth fall. Teeth loss is common in older people. However, if you have a hereditary problem, such as periodontitis or very poor oral hygiene, such as an untreated cavity or diseased root pulp, you can experience tissue and bone degeneration early in your life.

What are Dental Implants

Implantree is the Best Dental Implants in Chennai . Dental implants are not artificial teeth. They are not removable dentures or temporary veneers. Dental implants replace the roots of your teeth. The replacement body and abutment are made out of titanium metal, upon which crowns are placed. Titanium is the only metal that is biocompatible. Subsquently, titanium is rigid, high in strength, anti-fracture, and has reliable mechanical performance. 

Unlike bridges, which require support from adjacent teeth to sit on the gum line, implants are screwed inside the jaw bone, making them stronger than your original teeth. 

If you lost your front tooth due to an accident or you have trouble chewing and biting because you don’t have your molars anymore, get implants fixed and continue enjoying eating your favourite food and smiling at your favorite people. 

Dental implants can last up to 25 years if properly taken care. 

Implantree dental implant hospital, India is supported by modern facilities and a world-renowned implant surgeon for treating patients with several-bone and teeth conditions.

Visit-Smile Makeover in India

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